Un sujet original pour ceux qui aiment les cavernes ornées. Voulez-vous le voir en images ? par Brigitte et Gilles Delluc, UMR 7154 du CNRS. En l'hôtel de la Société historique et archéologique. mercredi 2 février 2010,? 14 heures ...
The Venus of Berekhat Ram (Israel) and its counterpart in Morocco, the Venus of Tan-Tan, from 800000 and 220000 BCE, may be the earliest attempts to recreate the human form. A recent find, the Mask of La Roche-Cotard in France, ...
The supposed figurines of Berekhat Ram and Tan-Tan are pieces of rock with evidence of having been modified by tools ? to claim them as pieces of sculpture is extremely questionable. The most we can say of these or or the Mask of La ...